One of the oldest foods known to mankind, Honey has been around for thousands of years. Archaeological research has confirmed that prehistoric humans relished honey and also discovered its benefits. Later, when the Man left the caves and built hives and living quarters, he also began making artificial pieces for bees.
About 4,000 years ago, the Egyptians practiced beekeeping, especially along the Nile and its nearby areas. During the burial of graves, cups and jugs of sealed honey were placed along with the belief that it could accompany the dead on their journey to the afterlife. The studying of Hieroglyphs confirms that honey was used not only as a not as a food but also as a medical remedy for digestive disorders and as a base for healing wounds and wounds.
The Greek civilization utilized honey in several ways: it was considered “the food of the gods” as the honey was often used in the creation of cakes, and it was part of religious ceremonies and sacrifices to honor the gods. Historians conclude that honey cakes were a prize for athletes who won races and Pythagoras, a famous mathematician, even suggested to his fans to eat bread and honey as it would ensure longevity and health, thus ensuring the fact that the ancient civilizations knew about the several benefits of Honey.
To the Romans, honey was a very special food and hence, it was imported from Crete, Cyprus, Malta, and Spain. It was used raw and cooked to prepare desserts, beers, preservatives, and mead, a beverage produced from fermented honey. By the time of Emperor Augustus, beekeeping had reached its peak and several farmers had the sole profession as beekeepers. Naturally, the improvement in beekeeping led to several methods of storing and transporting honey.
Beekeeping was practiced in a more traditional way in the past, but it led to a huge leap during Middle Ages. In the year 759 AD, Charlemagne, ruler of Frankia or modern-day France emperor, publicized a collection of honey. He also had a huge collection of beehives on his farm and in the palace. Severe penalties were imposed on those caught stealing honey, and it was agreed that those who discovered the beehive in uninhabited areas could own it. In the Middle Ages, beekeeping techniques were developed especially in monasteries and convents.
But it was in the Renaissance that honey found its greatest victory: it was used in the royal feasts as a sign of royalty and was normally accompanied by soups and other expensive food items. For the Master of Culinary Art, who is expertise in the art of preparing dishes for kings and noble families it was an ingredient that declared glory to the tables of noble families.
Since the harvesting of sugarcane, honey had been abandoned. However, with the advancement of technology, honey today has been reclaimed for its nutritional and healing properties and continues to contribute valuable glue to history, nature, and nutrition. The same tradition has been kept by Hands of Gold, a brand developed in Kashmir and is reputed for pure honey and manufacturing of best honey in India.