Space has a great deal of influence on the mood of an individual. Bland space and dull colours plummet the brightness of your indulgence. Paper mache was introduced in Kashmir by the Persian Mystic Mir Syed Ali Hamdani. Therefore, Hands of Gold brings to you the handcrafted love from Kashmir, crafted to spruce up a boring space to a spicy high. These curations are available in a centrepiece, wall art, paper mache balls and boxes.
Something as mundane as a great pair of vases make for a great addition to your studio or lounge. Decorated with the motifs from Kashmir in bright colours besides the five-pointed Chinar leaves takes the lacuna to a significant high. Th colourful paper mache balls used as danglers from the ceiling that sway at the hint of breeze. These balls give you the leverage of the preferential fall. The melody composed when they clash is an absolute mesmer. The wall art in squares and rectangles offer an outright peach to the eyes of the beholder. It gives your walls a splash of colour, making them look like vintage stucco. These pieces last you a lifetime and stands the test of time.
Besides being an art from the past, paper mache is eco friendly as it is made from the pulped paper. Artists prefer to use organic colors to paint their mesmerizing products. The base coat is commonly subtle, intricated by the brights. The entire procedure, is done manually, requires deliberation and is time-consuming. Consequently, the prolific craft is not only traditionally, culturally, or artistically important but aesthetically too. Whatever your interior scheme may be, a paper mache piece can enhance your space with simplistic detail.